I received an email from Jen the other day directing me to a Microsoft product called Windows Live Writer. She said she had read about it on a blog and it might help me out with my blogging. The name sounded familiar, so I looked on my computer and sure enough I had already downloaded it as part of the Windows Live suite of programs. I had just never looked into what it was.
After using Live Writer I don’t think I can ever go back. Live Writer displays your blog theme and lets you write your post into your blog, so you will know what it looks like prior to publishing.
There are lots of options for adding pictures and video that allow you more flexibility and functionality than the regular Blogger interface (which is what I use). Using Live Writer is kind of like using Word to write your blog posts.
Live Writer also supports several blogging platforms. This feature is going to help me out a lot with my classroom blog. My classroom blog is in Wordpress, which while having lots of features is a pain in my behind to learn each time I want to do something new. Now I can just post from Live Writer and save myself time and effort.
If anyone knows of an equivalent for Mac, I’d love to hear about it, because I’m feeling sorry for Jen. She’s stuck in Apple world and can’t use Windows Live Writer for obvious reasons.