My first lesson of the new year is how to make a light box. Actually, this is not my lesson to give. I exercised my Google Fu and came up with several articles that set out how to make a simple homemade light box.
Some of you know that I am a closet nerd. I have little plastic men that I paint and subsequently play with (in a game, not in my closet). I put a lot of time and effort into painting the little blighters and then I go and take a crappy picture on my desk with a phone. I decided to do something about this lamentable situation. I looked into how some bloggers made their man dollies look so good in pictures. The answer was a light box. I looked online and found that you could bu y light boxes, but the price was pretty steep for the amount I was going to use it (I am not a prolific painter). So I went the home made route.
This is what I came up with using only an old moving box, a utility knife and some white tissue paper. I do think I will be switching from tissue to fabric, due to the fragility of the box right now. The book was used to put my camera on.

This is what the pictures of my minis usually turn out like.

Now with the light box, they look much better. I’m still fiddling with the settings, so the photos aren’t perfect, but they’ll get better. I guess I have to paint some more toys to photograph.

If you want to make your own light box, I got my information from here and here. You can also just Google it and there are many articles to choose from.