Monday, October 18, 2010

Pumpkins are sexy

Today I was doing a shared writing project with my kids today.  We were writing about pumpkins.  Every sentence followed the pattern, "Pumpkins are..." and they told me something that pumpkins were.  I had answers such as round, orange and full of seeds.  One little boy however, told me that pumpkins were sexy.  I wasn't sure I had heard him correctly, so I asked him to repeat his answer.  I think he thought I was angry, so he kind of mumbled his answer and one of the children next to him was nice enough to repeat it very loudly.  I tried not to laugh too much and I said that while sexy wasn't a bad word, it was one we probably shouldn't use in a grade 1 classroom.  Another child piped up that it was a mom and dad word.  I agreed with her while think, "What are your parents saying to each other at home?"

So there you have it folks.  Pumpkins are sexy.

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