So, the mobile OS war is all but over. Android is king and iOS is a solid second. This is fact and disregards the respective strengths and weaknesses of each OS. I offer proof below.
My question as an Android user is “Where are the spoils of war?” Shouldn’t we be pillaging Apples villages and stealing their women? But that’s not the case. Almost every app is either introduced for each system concurrently or only for iOS. Where is my pillaging?
The incident that instigated this post, was a visit to my extended health insurance company. They have a great online sight that offers me lots of information about my account and claims. Then I see they have an app that lets you submit your claims through the app and not have to mail in any receipts. Fantastic I think. Oh wait. It’s only for iOS. C’mon guys. When 70% of all smart phones sold in America run Android, why can’t I get an app at least at the same time as the dorks at Apple? Why are developers still only writing apps for the minority? If I have a business, it would be bad practice to cater to 20% of the population, when I could be catering to 70%. In this case, why are businesses telling the majority of their customers or clients that they are less important or worthy of extra services than others simply because of the OS on their phone. It is blatant OSism and I won’t stand for it any more.
I would like to know how I picked the winning side for once (I have a very poor record in this respect) and I’m still losing? I want to pillage and set fire to their homes, but instead I’m getting beat over the head with some old lady’s broom.
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