It has been a fantastic week. I say that with every bit of sarcasm I can muster. They say that trouble comes in threes and I sure hope they’re right, because then this crap might stop happening.
I already wrote about the smashing of my Warmachine army. That turned out to incident number one.
Number two came when we started the car at the beginning of the week and the blower wouldn’t work. That means there isn’t anything to blow the heat from the engine into the cabin and even worse, nothing to blow it through the defroster. The particular morning this started was very cold and damp, so there was lots of frost on the outside AND the inside of the windshield. We had to drive around the neighbourhood for a while before we could get enough heat being pushed through to get some of the frost off. When I called around the get the car in to have it looked at, it was at least a week before anyone could look at it. Everything takes longer up here, but c’mon. When it’s –20 Celsius in the morning you really need some heat and to be able to see out of your windshield.
Number three was a letter I got from the insurance company on Thursday. Now, for some unknown reason at some point in the past the stoner hippies in this province decided the government would do a great job of running car insurance. So they made the government the ONLY insurance company in the province. Now ICBC, the monolithic auto insurance provider in the province pretty much does what it wants and the rest of us pay. And oh, do we pay. On top of that, even though we live in a small town in a rural area, we have the highest premiums outside of downtown Vancouver.
So, imagine my surprise when I get a letter saying that ICBC will no longer be offering me a deductible of $300 on my insurance when I renew in the spring, I will only be offered a deductible of $2500. What was my crime? Living in a part of the country where they spread gravel on the roads like it’s going out of style. Nearly everyone up here needs a new windshield every year because of the amount of stones thrown up by passing vehicles. Add to this the deer that decided to off itself on my front bumper last year. The letter says that your claims were no fault, but it wouldn’t be fair to raise rates for everyone. The translation being, “While your policy is no-fault, we are finding you at fault.” The topper was the last paragraph that told me that if I materially change my driving habits, I can have my case reviewed after one year. In other words, if I decide to move, they’ll take another look.
I am so pissed I could spit nails. It feels like one of those weeks, when I could fall into a bucket of tits and come up sucking my thumb.
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