Saturday, December 11, 2010

Christmas Concert Sucks

Don't get me wrong.  I like Christmas.  But I really do not like Christmas concert.  Christmas concert at an elementary school involves practicing a lame song or poem for weeks prior during time you should be teaching the kids something like, well math or reading.  Then when the day comes, everyone marches down to the gym to watch the whole thing.  In previous years at Prespatou this could be up to 3 hours long!  Then, to sweeten the deal for the teachers, you get to come back to school that evening.  To watch it again you ask?  Why no, but to provide free babysitting for the kids you usually get paid to take care of all day.  So, we sit in a room with 20 kids that are completely hyped for the concert and sometimes hopped up on sugar for an hour or more.  Then, after the deal is over, hopefully the parents come by in a timely manner to pick up their kids instead of chatting with their friends for an hour.  So, when you get home at 10:00 at night, you're pretty tired from that day.  That is when you realize the some bone head at your school has cited some lame ass reason why the concert had to be held on a Wednesday night, so you still have two days of work left.  Don't forget that the kids were up late too, so they are going to be a treat for the next two days as well.

What a magical time of year.

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