Saturday, August 6, 2011

House Man No Longer

I started my summer job this past week.  I am now an employee of Mark's Work Wearhouse, purveyor of women's and men's fine clothing.  When I first applied for the job, I was told that it would be two or three shifts per week and around 15 hours.  This past week I worked 18 hours, but I was training.  Next week I'll be working 28 hours with a few hours of elearning to squeeze in as well.  I'm not complaining.  I just wonder if I'll get as much done around the house in the second month of summer as I did in the first.

As I mentioned in an earlier post, Jen and I decided to work so that we could have some money for ourselves without raiding the household account.  With things always going wrong with the house and a possible work stoppage this year, we want to have a nest egg to fall back on should the need arise.  I found that if I waited to be able to afford all of the things I wanted, those things would be obsolete by the time I could.  Action had to be taken.  My first two purchasing priorities are a flat screen TV and an upgrade to Windows 7 for my PC.
The TV is a big ticket item, so will probably take some time to accomplish.  I'm just want to come out of the cave and join the rest of modern society.

A big bonus of the new job is the 40% discount I get on clothes.  I will be needing new clothes for work this winter, and you can't beat getting them for almost half price.  Jen also gets a discount of 20% on anything she buys.  That's a pretty sweet deal.

I'll keep everyone updated on how the new job is going as the weeks progress.

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