Sunday, May 29, 2011


Just a note to anyone who may actually visit this little corner of the internet that I claim as my own.  There is a section for comments.  If you read or see anything that interests you, pleas leave a comment.  Blogs are meant to be interactive and I'd really like to hear from anyone who likes or dislikes what I'm doing.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Chris,

    It looks like you're having the time of your life up there.

    My name is James Kim, and like you, I am a born and raised city boy from Vancouver.

    I stumbled into your blog when I was looking up some information about Prespatou - I may get my first teaching job there, as there is no space for new teachers down here.

    The principal at Prespatou is going to give me a call (is this teacher jargon for a phone interview?), and I am both excited and worried about working up there.

    I am thoroughly enjoying your blog, but I had some questions for you, if you had time to indulge (teaching is a hectic job):

    1. What is it like in the teacherages?
    2. You described the people in Prespatou as "dour". Could you illustrate further?
    3. What's it like for gamers up there? (internet, software availability)

    I've read everything up to here so far, and I plan to finish reading your blog!

    Thanks a lot for writing,
