Friday, May 6, 2011

People Are Stupid

"A person is smart, people are stupid." - Agent K, Men In Black

Agent K hit the nail on the head.  Recent history is full of examples that prove the veracity of Agent K's statement.

Exhibit A:  George Bush was elected President of the United States of America.

Exhibit B:  After four years of proving that he would qualify for the Special Olympics, George W. Bush       was re-elected as President of the United States of America.

Exhibit C:  The popularity of reality TV.  The only thing real about this genre is that it is really idiotic.

Exhibit D:  A man and his party that consistently dump on the cornerstones of Canadian democracy               through secrecy, lying and fear mongering are elected to a majority in the most recent federal  election.

I wish I could say that I was flabbergasted as I watched the election results pour in and it became quickly evident that the Conservatives would win a majority in the House of Commons.  I guess I just really had hoped that this time Agent K would be proven wrong and that Joe Lunchbucket would see through the miasma of half truths and misdirection that our Dear Leader spewed in place of ideas during the election.

But alas, old Joe was eager to lap up the boogie man of a non-existent conspiracy to form a "coalition", to believe that the bumbling government bureaucracy actually has any control over the economy, and to have selective amnesia regarding certain "irregularities" in information provided to parliament that led to a finding of contempt of parliament.

I must hand it to Harper, that the game was well played.  He knows that people are stupid.

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