Monday, April 11, 2011

Motivational Meltdown

So I noticed that I haven't blogged since the end of March.  That is not good.  I'm not sure exactly what happened, but over the holidays and into the first week of school I experienced a distinct lack of motivation to do much of anything.  I guess blogging wasn't any different.  I thought of many things that I could write about, but just couldn't manage to muster that little burst of energy required to take something from idea to action.

Well, I'm here to tell you now that the doldrums are over.  I'm back and better than ever (since it would be hard to be any worse).

This past weekend, Jen and I went to the local trade show.  The trade show is a very big deal in this town.  For this to make any sense, one must remember that we are in the middle of nowhere and nobody of note comes here and not much happens of any interest.  The events that are held are usually at such an exorbitant cost, that the average Joe can't afford to go anyway.  The Trade Show was talked about on the radio (which sponsors it) and in the local papers and by many residents for weeks prior.

Finally, the date had arrived and the show was here!  We got a tip from a co-worker that we should go on the Friday night because it was not as busy as the rest of the weekend.  Let me tell you that it was still pretty busy.  The trade show is held in the new Pomeroy Sports Centre.  The ice is removed from the rinks on the main floor and the speed skating oval on the second and the show takes up most of that space.  As  you may have guessed, the trade show consists of booths run by most local businesses and some that probably make a living of going around to these shows.  This was the only place I have ever been where I could buy a super duper food chopper and walk three feet and buy a tractor then walk another three feet and buy some mini donuts.  There was a little bit of everything at the show.

Sometimes I think we live in Saskatchewan.
We saw lots of booths, mostly full of crap in my humble opinion.  We also ran into quite a few people we know.  It still takes me off guard when someone calls out to us.  For the first three years in the area we were non-entities and now we actually run into people who know us (and will acknowledge the fact).

Sadly, the Trade Show is the most exciting thing that has happened for quite some time.
Oooh! Some furniture for the rumpus room!

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