Thursday, March 29, 2012

Yoga Pants

Many people that know me may think that I have a problem with yoga pants.  That is not true.  I think yoga pants are a great invention and have their uses.  My problem is the misuse of yoga pants.  I think many people have missed the first word in their name.  They are not just "pants".  Pants are garments that can be worn anywhere for most any occasion.  When you add the word "yoga" to the name, they suddenly have a purpose.  When you do not put yoga pants to their intended use, you upset the natural order of things and upset the clothing gods.

Mostly though, when you where your yoga pants shopping or to the movies you make make people's eyes water and their stomachs churn.  Let's face it, most people that wear yoga pants have never and will never set foot into a yoga studio (or a gym for that matter).  Yoga pants have a disturbing design element that allows others to see every little bit of your bottom half.  The general public does not need to be able to count the dimples on your thighs, tell that your underwear are crawling up your ass, or be able to read your lips.  This is what happens when you wear yoga pants when you don't do yoga.  Granted, there is the 1% of the female population that men can really get behind wearing yoga pants full time,  However, it's the other 99% that really make it not worth it for us.

Do you think this fine specimen can do the downward dog?
Finally, there is the issue of wearing what is essentially long underwear in public.  In my opinion, wearing yoga pants in public is the same as wearing your sleep pants to the grocery store.  Where has that sense of propriety gone that people can't even be bothered to put on a proper pair of pants when they leave the house?

So, there you have it.  Everyone now knows my views on yoga pants.  I'm sure your lives have all been enriched for the experience.

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