Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Disembodied Voices

As I may have mentioned in an earlier post, I got the Center Ice package this year.  This has definitely not been a good decision from a productivity sense.  However, I have enjoyed watching my beloved 'Hawks play (aside from a few lengthy losing streaks). 

I have also had the opportunity to watch a lot of games on different networks and therefore hear a lot of different play-by-play announcers.  One thing I have noticed is a distinct difference in the styles of Canadian and American announcers.  Canadians announce the play that is happening on the ice  with a small amount of commentary, leaving that to the colour  man.  Americans tend to spend part of their time announcing the play on the ice, but a majority tends to be about general interest.  They talk about what the teams have done over the past few games, the players in general or even people who might be in the stands.  The thing that drives me wild is when they talk about things that have only the most tenuous connection to the game or even to hockey itself.  I have heard the announcer talk about the players parents, their car, their pets, their home towns.  I have heard them talk about where they ate the night before, where good places to eat in town are or even friends they have in town.

I try to be unbiased, but I really prefer the Canadian style.  Now, maybe that is because that is what I grew up with and I am used to.  I think that people who want to hear some general interest stories will watch 20/20 or listen to NPR.  Give me my hockey!

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