Wednesday, June 8, 2011

False Patriotism

I have not kept my distaste for the Vancouver Canucks a secret.  In response to my attitude I have caught a lot of flak for being unpatriotic for not cheering for the Canucks.  Quite simply, what a load of crap.  We are not talking about the Canadian national team which I ALWAYS cheer for.  We are talking about a commercial interest that is based in Canada.  I don't happen to support this particular business.

Following the logic of these "patriots" everyone that is Canadian should always choose a product produced in Canada or sold by a Canadian company over any foreign competitor.  Let me tell you that fellow Canadians are usually swiping away at their iPhones while they are chastising me.  Never once thinking about where the iPhone is made or where their money goes (to America).  Why don't these people have Blackberries if they are such patriots?  I also know that these people go to Wal-Mart and Home Depot.  If they were really patriotic they would shop at Zellers (while they can) and Rona.

Maybe the truth of it is that people like being patriotic when it's easy and convenient.  They also like being able to look down on others even if they are artificially elevated.  And of course, everyone loves a ride on the bandwagon.

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