Wednesday, August 18, 2010

A Sense of Self-Preservation

Have you ever noticed how some people in this world do not have the ability to look at a situation and say to themselves, "Gee, if I do this, I will probably get hurt"?  My wife is one of these people.  I love her dearly, but it is a miracle she is still in the world of the living or at the very least not getting around in a wheelchair.

Last night is a perfect example.  At the end of June my wife had a horse fall on her.  No kidding!  She had gone to a student's house to ride at the end of the school year.  The horse reared and fell on it's side with her still on it.  Amazingly enough, she didn't break anything, but she really banged up her leg.  She still has a visible bruise on it and it doesn't work quite as well as the other one yet.  Anyway, I hear a bang from the shower and a loud yelp.  It turns out that she had tried to stand on one leg and turn off the shower with her foot.  Did I mention that she was standing on the same leg the horse laid down on?  Did I also mention that she has balance issues often? 

I ask you, who in their right mind stands in a wet shower and thinks that standing on one foot is a sound idea that will make your life easier and better?  She was just lucky she only banged her foot on the tap and didn't take a spill.  I would have been up for a second trip to Emergency this summer.

I will leave you with that story, and won't go into detail about all the times I've walked into the kitchen to see my wife pulling a massive chef's knife toward her hand or arm, seemingly oblivious to the danger.  No wonder I have so much grey hair!

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