Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Kobo: Five Months Later

I realized the other day that I have had my Kobo for five months now.  Initially I was happy with my purchase, and I just  thought I'd pass on my thoughts on ereading several months later.

First, the price of the Kobo went down by $20 a month after I bought mine.  That was a bummer.  Then a month ago, the touch version of the Kobo came out. Another bummer.  However, one thing you learn with technology is that there is always something newer and better just around the corner.  If you always wait for that newer or better thing, you'll never have anything.

Second, Jen has recommended some books to me since I've had the Kobo and have read them.  They were both very large books, which brought into sharp relief how much I enjoy my little Kobo.  I am currently reading A Clash of Kings by George R.R. Martin and it is quite a large book.  But I can lie in bed and read it with one hand.  I can be sitting or laying in almost any position on the couch and still read my book comfortably.  I never have to worry about losing my page.  If I am going to be waiting for something or someone, I can stick my Kobo in my pocket (well most pockets) and take it along with me.

Third, I have several books waiting to be read and they are all in one place.  I haven't added a book to our overcrowded book shelf since I got the Kobo.

Fourth is a little bit of a downside.  Many of the books I read have maps at the beginning of the book.  During the story many place names are mentioned and it's helpful to flip back and check out where that place is exactly or how far the character has traveled.  On an ereader, that is not feasible.  It takes quite some time to get to the place you want to go, so you just have to study the map in the beginning and remember as best you can.  If you are reading a popular book, there are sometimes copies of the map(s) online to look at.

Fifth, if you have just a short time to read, you can just flip open a book.  The Kobo needs to be fired up, unless you knew you were coming back shortly and just put it to sleep.  Powering up the Kobo and then loading the book you want to read probably only takes 2 minutes, but that seems like a long time when you just want something to do while you wife touches up her makeup before you leave the house.

Overall, I am extremely pleased with my Kobo.  It is inexpensive, small and handy.  I am sure there are better ereaders out there, but this one is at the right price point for me.  I would definitely recommend getting one if you have been toying with the idea.

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