Sunday, September 19, 2010

I'm On Fire!

We had a great speaker at our district wide professional development day on Friday.  Mark McLeod is an educational speaker from Mississippi.  The man's message is to be on fire about teaching.  He did a pretty good job of getting most people all fired up about going into the classroom and making  a difference with the kids you have.  We have quite an opportunity to influence children's lives as educators, but it's easy to lose sight of that and become negative when you have bad behaviours or trouble with your administrator or co-workers.  Mark's message is to stay positive and the environment around you will become more positive too.  I am definitely susceptible to bouts of extreme negativity, so I'm trying my best to take Mark's advice and be more positive.  At the very least, my wife won't have to live with Mr. Crusty Puss anymore (or as much).

Mark's other main message was the emotional bank account.  Negative actions and words are a withdrawal from one person's account by another and postive or kind actions and words are a deposit.  Those deposits can be called on later when you have to ask for help or come down hard.  I will forever think of that man whenever I hear the words Cha-Ching!

Finally, I'm on fire because I had some simply awesome Indian food last night in the little village of Pouce Coupe.  The food was spicy and fine.  My mouth was on fire!

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